- 下列哪个关于正确度和精确度的说法是正确的?
- 哪个过程组包括进度控制,范围控制和成本控制?
- 关于概率和影响矩阵,下列哪个说法是正确的?
- 零缺陷或者事情一次作对和下列哪个有关?
- 创建WBS是哪个知识领域的一部分
- The project manager is working to clearly describe the level of involvement expected from everyone involved in the project in order to prevent rework,conflict,and coordination problems.Which of the following BEST describes the project manager’s efforts?
- An environmental remediation project has succeeded in reducing costs.This achiebed by implementing a change request for new technology that was not available when the scope was originally defined.The technology change that is adopted is a/an:
- Which of the following needs to be completed before resources can be finalized for the project?
- The project manager leads a development project for the customer.The project is externally funded with a strict payment plan and deadline.During the project execution phase,the project manager identifies that the project is behind schedule.What should the project manager do?
- As a project manager,you can assign any one of two team members to a highly coveted task.Both are equally capable,but one of them is a member of your in-group.To the other one,you have far more distance.How should you behave?