Only when all the fish in the lake died _____ how serious the pollution was.[ ]
Having worked for as long as ten hours, theyoung man lay on the ground, _____.
These are your English books. But where are ________
__a high percentage of Australians may be people who watch sports rather than dothem, as far as most of its population is concerned, it is indeed a greatsporting nation
依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一组是( )家乡有一条河,曲曲弯弯,河中架一弯石桥弓形的小桥横跨两岸。_____________,___________。________________,______________。______________,_____________。①弯弯小桥,不时荡过轻吟低唱②不时露出舒心的笑容③那是家乡人为了追求多棱的希望④每天,不管是鸡鸣晓月,日丽中天⑤还是月华泻地,小桥都印下串串脚迹,洒落串串汗珠⑥兑现美好的遐想