
a’s housing price becomes one of the hottest topicsduring the Two Sessions, ________ most ordinary Chinese people find it more andmore difficult to buy a flat in cities

A:With pleasure
B:Our great honor
C:Nice to meet you here
D:Nice having met you here

The Nile River ____ flood large areas but now thewater ____ produce electricity.

Computer knowledge will become the ability to read and write.[ ]

下列各句中加点成语的使用,全部正确的一项是( )①游客跋山涉水来到这里,想欣赏的正是独特的梯田景观,想体验的正是传统农耕文化。若在梯田间修起一栋栋高级别墅、宾馆,这本身就是焚琴煮鹤。②弘一法师皈依佛门后,深恐掉入名利陷阱,他律己极严,自书“不为自己求安乐,但愿众生得离苦”的偈句,其光风霁月的怀抱历历可见。③世界经济发展的历史证明,开放带来进步,封闭导致落后。重回以邻为壑的老路,不仅无法摆脱自身危机和衰退,而且会收窄世界经济共同空间,导致“双输”局面。④当地时间17日晚,纽约曼哈顿区切尔西社区发生爆炸,导致26人受伤。附近的市民称这次爆炸振聋发聩。爆炸发生后,警察迅速封锁了该区域。⑤最近出版的长篇小说《雪莲花开》通过对藏族姑娘卓玛的人生历程的叙述,表现了她鲜明的民族性格和一言九鼎的诚信精神。⑥市环保部门与政法机关联合,相继开展了“春雷行动”、“秋风行动”,营造高压态势,严厉打击环境违法行为。这些举措取得一定成效,但长远来看,这只是扬汤止沸。

5“Was his father very strict with him when he was at school?” “YesHe had never praised him _______ he became one of the top students in his grade.”

My mother is ill.-________