
Every possible means ______ to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear.

A:is used
B:are used
C:has been used
D:have been used

—Did Alice enjoy the concert held in Grand Theater yesterday?—Yes, she did. She ______ such an excellent concert for a long time.[ ]

Not until he retired from teaching three yearsago _______having a holiday abroad

Mountain climbing must be very tiring, ________,you might feel sick with the air getting thinner

The local guide told the explorers that ropes and knives were__wanted to go into the inner part of the mountain must take along.

下列各句中加点成语的使用,全部正确的一项是( )①其实旅程的无聊不算什么痛苦,毕竟有窗外的景色可看,知道有好文章却要在数日后方能有时间看,才足以令人牵肠挂肚。②万维钢的《万万没想到》绝非侃侃而谈的标新立异,而是由严谨的科学实验得到的结论,唯此才能有力地颠覆旧观念。③指导人生的书可谓汗牛充栋,但是其中真正有用的却如凤毛麟角,像这种既有价值、可读性也出类拔萃的作品,实在难得。④网上冲浪可以增进做决策解决问题的能力,这对老年人保持头脑年轻有好处,但坏处则是牺牲了深度理解,让人得意忘言。⑤古德里安在回忆录里说:“在当时,很少人能够认识到这个法案将来会闯下滔天大祸。那些投票赞成的政客们对以后发生的灾难难辞其咎。”⑥ “单身“或“独居”是正在调整成长中的、推动社会发展和消费升级的一股强大动力。许多匪夷所思的现象背后,都是单身在推动。